A Night to Remember: St. Charles Borromeo Feast Celebration at St. Charles Parish

On Saturday, November 4, the vibrant community of St. Charles gathered in full force to celebrate the feast of St Charles Borromeo, the patron saint of our parish. Held in St. Charles Hall, the event was a resounding success, with a sold-out crowd.

We were privileged to welcome Barbara Nepinak, an esteemed Ojibwe elder, knowledge keeper, and captivating storyteller, to commence the evening with a land acknowledgment and prayer. Adding to her distinguished achievements, Barbara has just returned from Dubai, where she was honored with an award from UNESCO for her significant contribution to education.

The night was not only a spiritual celebration but also a lively social event, filled with activities that brought the community closer. One of the highlights of the evening was the announcement of the raffle winners. The lucky recipients included Aida B, who won the 50-50 draw, Colleen Z, the proud owner of a Jets jersey, Wendy S, who secured Jets tickets, and Rick T, the winner of the Tree of Treasures Draw.

Entertainment took center stage with 'St. Charles Got Talent,' a video presentation showcasing singing and dancing prowess of parishioners. A heartfelt thank you was extended to all the participants, whose enthusiasm and talent added a special touch to the evening.

Melodies echoed through the atmosphere as the spotlight turned to the karaoke machine. Attendees, especially those from St. Edwards Parish, showcased their vocal talents. Laughter, applause, and cheers resonated through the hall as the community came together to enjoy each other's company.

The success of the event didn't happen overnight. The weeks leading up to the celebration were marked by meticulous planning and hard work. From advertising and selling tickets to cleaning the kitchen and hall, setting up decorations, and shopping for, preparing, and serving delicious food—the dedication of the community members was truly commendable.

The menu for the evening featured a mouthwatering roast beef dinner, followed by delectable cheesecake and pie for dessert. The culinary delights were a testament to the effort and care put into ensuring that everyone had a memorable dining experience.

The night continued with lively dancing, bringing the celebration to a fitting conclusion. As the last notes of music played and the laughter echoed through the hall, it was clear that the feast of Saint Charles Borromeo had not only been a religious observance but a joyful and communal celebration, reinforcing the strong bonds within the St. Charles Parish.