Members of the Father Allan Hall Knights of Columbus #8604 promote the 40 Cans for Lent campaign.
On April 18th, the North Point Douglas Women’s Centre was the grateful beneficiary of the 40 Cans for Lent food drive spearheaded by the Father Alan Hall Knights of Columbus #8604 from St. Charles Parish. Throughout Lent, the mountain of food grew until it reached 1,244 pounds. Thank you to St. Charles Catholic School for donating over 300 pounds of food. The North Point Douglas Women’s Centre also received a $900 cash donation to purchase much-needed items.
Grand Knight, Jim Turnbull, wished to thank all those who donated food and money. Jim said, “The donations were received with great happiness and enthusiasm as their shelves were almost empty at that time!!”
St. Charles Parish and St. Charles Catholic School helped fill the empty cupboards at the North Point Douglas Women’s Centre.
About North Point Douglas Women's Centre Inc.
North Point Douglas Women's Centre is a community resource centre in one of Winnipeg's oldest neighbourhoods. It provides a drop-in space five days a week that responds to basic needs (safety, food security, phone, clothing, computers, information, counselling, spiritual guidance, connection, etc.). It seeks to support and empower women and their families as they address issues in their lives.