Annette Kohut was presented the Community Service Award at the St. James Assiniboia Christmas party at the Canad Inn on Tuesday, December 3.
Annette has been a Catholic Women’s League member for the past sixteen years.
She has been involved with Development and Peace for many years. Her commitment to increasing the awareness of issues and challenges in third world countries is commendable.
Annette has been an active parishioner of St. Charles for over 40 years. She has served in many positions during this time. Presently on the Ladies Association executive, she convenes the kitchen. She was very involved with the Solidarity Socks initiative which raised over $8,000.00 over four years for Chalice Micro Financing and Dignity House. Annette is a member of the choir, a Eucharistic Minister who visits and brings communion to the shut-in parishioners and residents of Deer Lodge and Oakview Seniors Home.
Annette has led the Faith Sharing Group at St. Charles Parish for over thirty years. She volunteers to cook meals at St. Charles Retreat Center and helps with their Cana week. She is always in service helping our seniors grocery shop and visiting them in their homes. An integral part of St. Charles Parish, she is always willing to help in any way she can.
Annette has fostered numerous babies and children over the years. They always could count on her to take emergencies at all hours of the night.
Upon receiving the award Annette said, “I feel it is my privilege to serve and advocate for those who do not have a voice in this world”.
It was with gratitude for her outstanding service and dedication to Development and Peace as well as to St. Charles Parish that Annette was presented this award by St. James Assiniboia CWL president, Janice Butler.