St.Charles Ladies’ Association Hosts Winter Retreat

Sixty-six women and men attended the retreat.

This year’s retreat theme, Finding God in Our Everyday, attracted 66 women and men from a number of parishes.  This included participants from as far away St.Theresa’s Point - a distant 1,038 kilometers!

The day opened with a welcome, a prayer, and a smudging offered by Beatrice Chartrand of St. Kateri Tekakwitha Parish. Beatrice explained the significance of the smudge in clearing our senses and our bodies so that we can notice the good and do it throughout our day. The chant, Open Our Eyes Lord, was sung during the smudge.

Our presenter was Sister Cathy Laviolette from the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary.   Sister Cathy led meditations inspired by scripture, shared words of wisdom, audiovisuals, and practical examples of God's awareness. “God”, she emphasized, “is present in the NOW. God’s name is I AM: not I WAS: not I WILL BE.  It is essential, therefore, that we are in the present and aware of God with us.”

The retreat included times of animated sharing and individual meditation on The Beatitudes.

Following a lunch prepared by the hosts, St. Charles Ladies’ Association, Sister Cathy challenged all attendees.  She said, “You are the Church. God is in you - the Church, and God wants to get out not just to family and your circle, but also to the larger community in order to bring about Justice”.