Christmas Evergreen Workshop

On December 11 in the parish hall, thirty-four ladies gathered to make beautiful Christmas Centrepieces. Master Gardener Dodie Labbe led the workshop and supplied a variety of evergreen boughs, various kinds of embellishments and ribbons.

Thank you, Dodie Labbe, for leading the workshop. Thank you, Chad Labbe, from Shelmerdine, for generously donating the fresh evergreen boughs.

The $500 profit from the workshop will be donated to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Orphanage in Haiti. Louise Dansereau is a regular volunteer at the orphanage. Louise told us, “Father Andre will use the donation for the operation of the orphanage and the needs of the orphans”.

The workshop was sponsored by the St. Charles Ladies Association.

'Living Stations of the Cross' Returning Lent 2020

Roman soldier Myron Majcher with producer Lorraine Thibert

Roman soldier Myron Majcher with producer Lorraine Thibert

Years ago, St. Charles parishioners created and produced a tableau version of the Stations of the Cross which they performed on Fridays in Lent. It was very popular and had many attendees from within the parish as well as from around the city.  

The Stations of the Cross represent the path Jesus travelled on his way to the crucifixion. They involve Jesus enduring suffering, insults, moments of support, and relay the intense sacrifice that Christians believe Jesus undertook for human salvation. In the tableau version, each station is depicted with the actors posed and silent. 

Lorraine Thibert, the producer, was asked why she is spearheading this production. She said, “I decided a few years ago that when I retired I would do what I could to reinstate the Living Stations of the Cross - something that our parish had done in the past. Although it has been almost two decades, I still remember the impact of the lights coming on and seeing living beings posed in a scene. The first station depicted Pilate with his hands over a bowl, looking at a tied and beaten Jesus. It took my breath away, it made it real. Because it was a tableau style, there was time to reflect on the scene, since there was no acting to critique. I just listened to Jesus's reflections during the scene. It was very moving. I retired in January and so here we go!”

A return of this presentation is planned for Lent 2020. We are looking for volunteers to be actors as well as help behind the scenes with things like - set-up, take-down, sound, lighting, props, and make-up. 

If you would like to participate please contact Lorraine 204‐889‐ 1101 or email

Community Service Award Winner

Annette Kohut was presented the Community Service Award at the St. James Assiniboia Christmas party at the Canad Inn on Tuesday, December 3. 

Annette has been a Catholic Women’s League member for the past sixteen years. 

 She has been involved with Development and Peace for many years. Her commitment to increasing the awareness of issues and challenges in third world countries is commendable. 

Janice Butler and Award Winner Annette Kohut

Janice Butler and Award Winner Annette Kohut

 Annette has been an active parishioner of St. Charles for over 40 years. She has served in many positions during this time. Presently on the Ladies Association executive, she convenes the kitchen. She was very involved with the Solidarity Socks initiative which raised over $8,000.00 over four years for Chalice Micro Financing and Dignity House. Annette is a member of the choir, a Eucharistic Minister who visits and brings communion to the shut-in parishioners and residents of Deer Lodge and Oakview Seniors Home. 

Annette has led the Faith Sharing Group at St. Charles Parish for over thirty years. She volunteers to cook meals at St. Charles Retreat Center and helps with their Cana week. She is always in service helping our seniors grocery shop and visiting them in their homes. An integral part of St. Charles Parish, she is always willing to help in any way she can.  

 Annette has fostered numerous babies and children over the years. They always could count on her to take emergencies at all hours of the night.

 Upon receiving the award Annette said, “I feel it is my privilege to serve and advocate for those who do not have a voice in this world”.

It was with gratitude for her outstanding service and dedication to Development and Peace as well as to St. Charles Parish that Annette was presented this award by St. James Assiniboia CWL president, Janice Butler.

Chalice Canada’s Top Charity For 2019


Have you ever wondered why the children of our parish drop their coins in the big glass jar on the altar during the collection at Sunday Mass? They are sponsoring three children from the Chalice sponsorship program. Between 2017 and 2018 our three sponsored children were part of over 50,000 other children sponsored through Chalice. A number of our fellow parishioners have now chosen to sponsor a child as well.

Chalice is a registered Catholic charity that supports child development, families and communities in 15 developing countries. Its core program is child sponsorship, which provides children with proper care and access to education. 

According to this years Maclean’s Magazine, Chalice is rated as Canada’s best charity for international work with a 97.5% out of 100% rating. Chalice commits 90 percent of its spending in support of programs. Father Patrick Cosgrove is the President of Chalice and its headquarters is in Bedford, NS.

Walter Kotowich is the representative for Chalice at St. Charles Parish. Our parish has been supporting the Chalice Christmas catalog for the past ten years.  Walter also encourages and supports other parishes as they establish Chalice programs. 


Walter tells us, “Two years ago, I talked with the pastor at St. Gianna’s church about Chalice. Keep in mind, St Gianna’s is a new parish with major capital expenditures. I would not be surprised if they said no. Nevertheless, the parishioners have enthusiastically embraced the needs of the poor in spite of their personal needs. Today they sponsor 12 children from Chalice! They proudly display poster size photos of all these children on the walls of their church! There are so many good people in our Catholic churches. All that's needed is someone to tell them about Chalice.”

Three Generations on the Dance Floor

Event Co-organizers Colleen Bevan and Jamie MacDonald wish to thank everyone who helped make the St. Charles Parish Harvest Dinner and Dance on November 2 such a great success. The total profit for the event was $10,363.05. This year there was a total of 220 people attending which included 10 children. The kitchen also supplied 20 take out dinners for those who could not attend. Jamie commented, “It was great that we made a lot of money but what I liked best was seeing the fellowship and people enjoying themselves”. 

Work began in August for Maddy and Walter Kotowich and their team who contacted companies to contribute either for an Advertising opportunity or to donate to the Silent Auction. The total profit from the advertising at the Dinner and Dance was $3,930.00.

The Advertising Committee also put together 12 baskets of silent auction prizes.  Contributions by individuals and companies added up to over $4,000 worth of prizes for an estimated revenue between $1,500 - $2,000. A big thank you to Maddy, Walter and their committee for all their effort.

Thank you to Chef Gerry Ellis who very generously donated his time and expertise again this year to cook all the food and organize the kitchen team resulting in a delicious turkey dinner with all the trimmings.

Many people enjoyed the music after dinner.  Colleen Bevan said, “One of the best things I saw was families with three generations on the dance floor - dancing and having a great time”.

Thank you to the ticket printers and sellers, the event advertisers, the people who bought the groceries, the potato peelers, the kitchen workers, those who set up the hall and cleaned it up after, the food servers, the dishwashers, the music man and the bartenders. It takes a village to put on an event like this.  Also, thank you to everyone who supported the event by buying tickets.

The hall is booked to repeat this event next year on November 7 with the first planning meeting set for May. Please mark your calendars and start thinking about who you can invite to fill your table.  Why not make this an annual family tradition!

Winners of the silent auction baskets are:

Christmas Extravaganza: Kyle Vachon

Couples Night Out: Janice Butler

Dining In: Denyse Lafleche Turnbull

Relaxing: Melissa Steves

In the Kitchen: Lauchlin Fergusson 

Mix It Up: Berthe Lafleche

Lovin’ Sports: Stephen Meush

My Car: Rachelle Wojcik

And for Kids: Lauchlin Fergusson

Time For Memories: Alasdair Fergusson

Something For Everyone: Father Michael

Go Jets Go: Paulette Sullivan

The Catholic Women's League Partners With End Homelessness Winnipeg


St. James Assiniboia CWL Centenary Project

Pictured is Lucille Bruce, President and CEO End Homelessness Winnipeg, Janice Butler, Louise Dansereau and Chris Carlyle from St. James Assiniboia CWL and Betty Edel, Manager End Homelessness Winnipeg

The Catholic Women’s League is celebrating its 100th centenary in 2020. To mark this occasion the Assiniboia CWL Council has adopted a centenary project partnered with project End Homelessness Winnipeg.

End Homelessness Winnipeg is hosting a direct service event at the Convention Centre on May 14, 2020. Service providers from the public, community and private sectors come together and deliver services like dental care, foot care, replacement of ID, income tax, and housing opportunities to the homeless. The CEO of End Homelessness Winnipeg has invited CWL to partner with them in this direct service event.

Now, this is where we need your help.

We are sewing 1000 tote bags with donated fabric from members and friends. These bags will be filled with socks, brushes and combs, and water bottles. Each parish is being asked to contribute a product. We are asking St. Charles parishioners to support the project by donating 1000 new, BPA\BPS free, reusable, plastic water bottles.

We thank you for supporting our centenary project and in helping make Winnipeg a better place.

Golf Tournament a Great Success

The 12th Annual St. Charles Parish Best Ball Golf Tournament, sponsored by the Father Allan Hall Knights of Columbus, was held on August 11. Hosted at the Assiniboine Golf Club, the tournament had a full slate of eighteen teams and over one hundred people in attendance at the supper.

Thank you to all our sponsors, including: Birchwood Automotive, Daniel Tully Inc, Earl's Automotive, Gene Fraser, Rita Tully's Accounting and Senecal Eavestroughing.

In addition to everyone having a great time, the event raised $2,300 for the parish. What a huge success! If you would like to join in the fun, get your team together to play next year on August 9.

Our Elevator Project Continues...

The Timeline for Our Elevator Project

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2014 - Elevator Fund Established;

2015 Spring - Approved in Principle by the Archdiocese;

2015 - Pledge Drive began ($100,000.00 pledged)

Elevator Trust Fund has accumulated $76,362.71 to date;

Spent $20,127.90 (Architect) Balance is $56,234.81

2018 June - The Elevator Trust Fund had sufficient funds to proceed with plans and cost estimates to position the parish for applications for grants and corporate donations and further fund raising.

2018 Fall - Request for Proposals were sent out to hire an architect. Four proposals were received and reviewed by the Finance Council in consultation with the Archdiocese.

2018 November - Sputnik Architecture Inc. was chosen and a contract was signed November 26, 2018.

Read more…

2019 Bursary Winner Announced

The St. Charles Knights of Columbus (Father Allan Hall Council #8604) has announced the winner of their 2019 busary. 

Pictured above - Greg Chase representing the K of C, award winner Airha Ramilo and Father Michael.

Pictured above - Greg Chase representing the K of C, award winner Airha Ramilo and Father Michael.

The Council is very committed to youth and presents a $1,000 bursary to a student from St. Charles Parish who will be advancing to  post-secondary education.  The recipient must demonstrate a strong academic standing, have a commitment to volunteering in our parish and the wider community.

This year the winner is Airha Ramilo.  Airha has been an altar server for Father Michael since 2016 and volunteers for the Knights monthly pancake breakfast.  Airha will be pursuing a degree in Pharmacy at the the University of Manitoba.

Congratulations Airha!