Children Helping Children

Have you ever wondered why the children at St. Charles Parish drop their change in the big glass jar during Mass? This tradition, which has been practiced for over 20 years, involves collecting money that goes to Chalice Canada to help children from around the world.

Founded in 1992, Chalice Canada (CHC) is a Catholic international aid charity that has earned an A rating from Charity Intelligence's Top 100 charities in Canada. It is one of the largest charities in the country in terms of Canadian donations. In 2023, CHC received $34.3 million in donations and special events revenue, with total overhead spending at 10%. This means that for every dollar donated, 90 cents directly support the cause.

Since its inception, Chalice has been restoring hope and dignity to people in developing countries through its sponsorship program. Children are selected for sponsorship based on need and family circumstances, regardless of race, age, ability, gender, or religion. CHC runs programs in 13 countries across 4 continents.

In 2023, CHC's Sponsorship program, which constitutes 79% of its program spending, received $23.4 million and sponsored 48,727 individuals. Each of the 57 sponsor sites operates under local direction, allowing them to effectively address the challenges of poverty through local knowledge and insight.

St. Charles Parish’s annual sponsorship donation of $504 per child is making a real difference. Each year, if there is a surplus in the account it is sent to Chalice for ‘most urgent needs’.

Thank you to the children of St. Charles Parish for donating to the Chalice Sponsorship program and helping Cherline, Elijah, and Elsa. Sponsorship provides children with the support they need to attend and stay in school and helps families provide nutritious food and better care for their children. With these funds, families can take the first and most important step in breaking the cycle of poverty.

Elijah Kaluba, a 14-year-old from Zambia, celebrates his birthday on August 1. He is currently in grade 9, with mathematics being his favourite subject. In his free time, he enjoys studying and playing soccer. Elijah aspires to become a police officer in the future.

Elsa Gonzalez Lopez is a 15-year-old from Bolivia, born on September 25. She enjoys reading books and playing soccer. Elsa is in the 4th year of secondary school and dreams of becoming an agricultural engineer. Her favourite subject is music.  Recently, Elsa recovered from dengue, a mosquito-borne viral infection, and she is now healthy.

Cherline Edmon is a 17-year-old young lady from Haiti, born on October 29. She enjoys reading books and playing soccer. Cherline is in her third year of secondary school, where geology is her favourite class. She aspires to be a diplomat. Cherline is pleased to share that she is healthy. Recently, her family acquired electricity and a refrigerator, a significant milestone.