St. Charles Parish Annual Outside Mass and Picnic

On Sunday, June 23, St. Charles Parish held its annual outdoor Mass with a large group of parishioners, their friends, and family in attendance. Although the clouds were threatening, we experienced no rain during the Mass. Afterward, we began setting up for a picnic on the banks of the Assiniboine River. However, a sudden downpour forced everyone to relocate to the church basement, where we enjoyed a barbecue and picnic together. Thank you to everyone who made the morning a success: Father Rainerio, Deacon Claude, the hospitality ministers, altar servers, lectors, communion ministers, Greg and Terence who set up the sound equipment, and the 11:30 Sunday choir, who provided the wonderful music. A big thank you to the Knights of Columbus who purchased and barbecued the hamburgers and hot dogs as well as all the parishioners who provided the lovely salads and desserts.