"Let the Little Children Come to Me..."

The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd stands as a Montessori-inspired Catholic faith formation initiative, designed to nurture the spiritual growth of children aged 3-12. This program fosters a deep connection with God through immersive encounters with Scripture and liturgy, addressing the fundamental needs of each child and facilitating a personal relationship with the divine.  

Originating in 1954 in Rome, Italy, this transformative catechesis was founded by Sofia Cavalletti, a Scripture scholar, and Gianna Gobbi, a Montessori teacher. Their collaboration over the subsequent six decades led to the development of materials and curriculum specifically tailored to unlock the religious potential within each child. Today, the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd has extended its reach to more than 37 countries worldwide.    

St. Charles Parish hosts The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd gatherings on Sunday between the 9:30 am and 11:30 am Masses in the atrium.  The atrium is located on the second floor overlooking the assembly and serves as a sacred space meticulously crafted to cultivate the Christian faith in young minds. Unlike a conventional classroom, the atrium transcends into a realm of communal contemplation and worship. Employing hands-on materials, the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd introduces essential themes to children, drawing them into the mysteries and creating a platform for a meaningful dialogue with the "Inner Teacher," identified as the Holy Spirit. Noteworthy is the fact that these materials are painstakingly crafted by dedicated catechists and parent volunteers.                                                                

For more information, call Parish Office 204-889-3248 or email: stcharls@mymts.net