St. Charles Ladies' Association Year in Review

Our annual Evergreen workshop raised funds for the Christmas Cheer Board.

The St. Charles Ladies’ Association regularly hosts speakers who enlighten our group  on Social Justice issues, inspiring us to engage in outreach efforts for those less fortunate in our community. On May 17, we had the privilege of hearing Julia Kraemer, Winnipeg City Coordinator for the Leftovers Foundation, discuss their impactful program. The Leftovers initiative actively addresses food waste by collecting surplus food from stores and restaurants and redistributing it to service agencies like food banks, community housing projects, and shelters. Julia's presentation left us with much to contemplate.

On October 18, Pam Hadder from Willow Place shared insights into the Violence Prevention Shelter Program. Willow Place is committed to addressing the pervasive issue of family violence by offering specialized support to women and their children facing abuse. In December, the Ladies’ Association extends an invitation to the parish to contribute items from the Willow Place’s Most Needed list. This includes household essentials, food items, infant care necessities, program and activity supplies, and personal care essentials, fostering a sense of community engagement and support.

The St. Charles Christmas Craft & Bake Sale took place on December 2 and 3. We extend heartfelt appreciation to everyone who generously contributed and those who made purchases. The $2,000 profit generated from the event was donated to the parish to support ongoing expenses. Special thanks to Alice for coordinating the bake sale and to Annette, who oversaw the craft table. Your efforts were instrumental in the success of this fundraising initiative.

On December 13, Dodie led a pair of workshops focused on creating enchanting Christmas centrepieces. In response to popular demand, we introduced a second evening class to accommodate those with scheduling constraints in the afternoon. We express our gratitude to Dodie and Shelmerdine’s for generously supplying a diverse array of evergreen boughs. The entire proceeds from these workshops will be contributed to the Christmas Cheer Board.

In February, the Ladies' Association embarks on a annual project titled "Fill the Cradle with Love." We have selected two deserving organizations to support through this initiative. Villa Rosa, dedicated to offering lodging before and after childbirth, focuses on providing crucial support to single mothers, infants, and their families. Their services are accessible to unmarried, pregnant women, and new parents in need. Villa Rosa expresses gratitude for contributions such as baby clothes, blankets, handmade items, diapers, and personal hygiene products.

The second beneficiary of this project is the Family Support Centre on Broadway West. This Christian organization is committed to delivering non-judgmental, compassionate care, and companionship to women, men, and children navigating challenging situations. Through "Fill the Cradle with Love," the Ladies' Association aims to make a positive impact on these organizations and the individuals they serve.

The Ladies’ Association is planning another retreat in 2024.

In March of last year, we organized a retreat centred around the theme of 'Finding God in Our Everyday.' Sister Cathy Laviolette, the presenter from the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary, led the insightful sessions. The event drew participation from sixty-six women and men representing various parishes. Encouraged by its success, the Ladies' Association is currently in the process of planning a similar retreat for the upcoming year.

St. Charles parish provides two meals a year to the Immaculate Conception soup kitchen. Mark your calendars for February 4! The Ladies' Association is rallying parishioners to come together and provide nourishing homemade chili meals for up to 300 adults and children.

The St. Charles Ladies’ Association actively engages in ongoing activities dedicated to serving the St. Charles Parish. Led by Florence, the funeral committee plays a pivotal role in setting up the hall and preparing lunch receptions upon request. The ladies extend their support by providing receptions after First Communion and Confirmation celebrations. Periodically, they contribute by supplying lunches for St. Charles when hosting deanery meetings. Furthermore, the St. Charles Ladies’ Association takes charge of organizing coffee and dainties between masses on Sunday mornings.

The Ladies’ Association provided the lunch reception for the St. Charles Confirmation class.

If you would like to know more or become a volunteer for any of these activities, please contact our president. Kim phone number 204-803-3177.

The Ladies Association hosts three potluck gatherings annually, with the upcoming event scheduled for Saturday, January 13th, at 11:30 am. All the women in the parish are warmly invited to attend. No membership dues are required; being a St. Charles parishioner automatically makes you a member of the St. Charles Ladies’ Association! Feel free to bring your favourite dish and a friend to join us in the celebration.