St. Charles Ladies’ Association

The mission of the St Charles Ladies' Association is to assist the parish, under the guidance of the Pastor, and develop a sense of community among women, which promotes the development of the spiritual and social life of the parish.

All the women of the parish are members of the Ladies' Association. General Meetings are held four times a year - October, January, March and May.

Following is a list of events hosted or co-hosted by the ladies:

  • Immaculate Conception Soup Kitchen - twice a year, September and February, we provide a meal to be served to those in need.

  • Christmas Bake and Craft Sale - held the first weekend in December. The profits derived from this event are used for Outreach.

  • Birthday Party for Jesus - the ladies assist with this event each December, purchasing food and refreshments, setting up a photo booth for family pictures and helping where needed.

  • Winter Retreat - held annually on a Saturday in Lent.

  • Stations of the Cross - we lead the Stations one Friday in Lent.

  • Receptions - we provide receptions for First Communion, Confirmation and the Easter Vigil.

  • Sunday Morning Coffee - every Sunday between the 9:30 am and 11:30 am Mass we have coffee, juice and dainties in the church hall. This a time to get to know people if you are new to the parish and a time to "catch up" with old friends.

  • Funeral Luncheons - at a minimal cost, the ladies prepare and serve a lunch to families following the funeral Mass for deceased loved ones.

  • Parish Picnic - weather permitting, Mass is celebrated outdoors the end of June followed by a parish picnic. The ladies assist the Knights of Columbus and the Catholic Women’s League by providing salads and baked beans.

The dates and further info for these events will be published in the church bulletin and on our website.

If you are new to the parish, or a parishioner for some time, please consider coming out and joining fellow parishioners for fun and fellowship. By doing so, together we can make a difference in our parish and the community at large.

Look forward to seeing you.

Florence Weber

Having fun at the Post-Christmas Party and Pot Luck on January 8, 2020.

Having fun at the Post-Christmas Party and Pot Luck on January 8, 2020.