Mass Times

SATURDAY 4 PM SUNDAY 9:30 & 11:30 AM weekdays masses see the bulletin below



Reconciliation is available on Saturday from 3:15 pm to 3:45 pm and by appointment


Check out our NEW bulletin**

Check out our NEW bulletin**

Moving into the 21st Century

with a new way of giving your contributions.

For Regular Offerings, Sharing God's Gifts and the NEW Development Fund (this money will be what we use to pay for our Air Conditioner and in the future other major expenditures).

Tap to Give is easy, fast and convenient. Use your credit card or interact card. You will find the stand in the back lobby of the church. You can tap as you come in or when you leave for any or all of the funds. Each tap is a contribution of $10.00. Want to donate more than $10.00? You can tap up to 10 times with your card. Want a tax receipt for your donation? Scan the QR Code on the sign or in the bulletin, fill out the information and you will receive a charitable tax receipt early in the new year. If you require assistance in registering for a charitable tax receipt contact

Sisters of the Holy Rock

Sat. March 22, 2025 Prairie Spirit United Church 207 Thompson Dr. Winnipeg Doors Open: 6:30 pm    Show: 7:00 pm

Admission: $28  An evening of NUN - Stop Fun. 

For tickets For more info/tickets, please contact Florence 204-889-4941

Join us for a night of divine comedy and angelic voices! Sponsored by St. Charles Parish

Office HOURS

Tuesday & Thursday 9 am – 3 pm.  Messages & emails will be checked regularly.


TUES., March 18  ST. EUSTACHE CHURCH 57 Main St., St. Eustache at 6:30 pm

THURS., March 20  GOOD SHEPHERD CHURCH 1125 Saskatchewan Ave. E., Portage la Prairie 10:30 am to 12 pm and 7 to 8:30 pm

THURS., March 20  ST. MARY’S CATHEDRAL 353 St. Mary Ave. at 6:30 pm

THURS., March 27  ST. PAUL THE APOSTLE CHURCH 2400 Portage Ave. at 6:30 pm

FRI., March 28  ST. JOHN XXIII CHURCH 3390 Portage Ave. at 1 to 4 pm

FRI., March 28  ST. EDWARD THE CONFESSOR CHURCH 836 Arlington St. at 6:30 pm

TUES., April 1  ST. FRANÇOIS XAVIER CHURCH 1049 Highway 26, St. François Xavier at 2 to 4 pm

THURS., April 3  OUR LADY OF LOURDES CHURCH 95 MacDonald Ave. at 6:30 pm

THURS., April 3  ST. ANN’S CHURCH 271 Hampton St. at 6:30 pm

TUES., April 8  BLESSED SACRAMENT CHURCH 17 Elie St. W., Elie at 6:30 pm

THURS., April 10  ST. PATRICK’S CHURCH 172 Worth St. at 6:30 pm

FRI., April 11  ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA CHURCH 365 Burnell St. at 6:30 pm

FRI., April 11  ST. CHARLES CHURCH 320 St. Charles St. at 6:30 pm

As circumstances permit, penitents also are welcome to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation at the following locations in the deanery:

HOLY NAMES HOUSE OF PEACE   211 Edmonton St., Wpg Mondays & Wednesdays 4 - 4:50 pm Saturdays 9 am -12 pm

In addition to the dates and times noted in the schedule above, the Sacrament of Reconciliation may be celebrated in most parishes of the deanery at other times by appointment.

Please contact the particular parish concerned for further details and to make arrangements.

Please click the buttons below for important information

Anointing of the Sick

Father Rainerio is available by appointment. Please call 204-889-3248.

Greetings from our Pastor

On behalf of many members of our parish family, welcome to St. Charles! Our parish has a rich tradition from the past. We rejoice that Christ is with us as a community in the present and also look forward to a beautiful future with our God.

We continue to seek spiritual growth as individuals and as a community. We continue to discern our mission as a parish and where God is calling us to serve. We desire to build a stronger community and invite you to share in it with us.

You will discover there are many opportunities to participate in worship at the Mass and other liturgies. There are several service groups and ministries to which one can belong and we invite you to participate in those as well. There are many community events every year where we can gather for fellowship. This community is also very supportive of the greater community and is concerned about those in need.

We hope you find your place in the community here too and together we will have the opportunity to build the parish God wants us to have. We thank you for making St. Charles your spiritual home. May God bless you in all you are and do!

Yours in the Lord Jesus Christ,

Father Rainerio Sarce
Pastor of St. Charles Parish

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